Daniel Staeger

Works USA 1997-1998

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Night Bird over Panama
1997, oil on canvas 60x120cm
Tom & Nancy Hormann Dallas Texas

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1997, oil on canvas 60x60cm
Kirlin Securities San Francisco

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1997, oil on canvas 60x120cm

Kirlin Securities San Francisco


1997, oil on canvas 60x120cm

Kirlin Securities San Francisco

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Flying Machine
1997, oil on canvas 45x60cm, Kirlin Securities San Francisco

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Space Island
1997, oil on canvas 140x140cm, Kirlin Securities San Francisco

Thoughts of a Giant
1998, oil on canvas, 3times 90x90cm , Kirlin Securites San Francisco

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Kirlin Securites' Meeting Room south of Market Street
located two miles from the GIANTS station needed some inspirational works.
The oval shaped room has a skylight, which inspired me to think of a giant looking up to the sky.

Painting the pictures, at the place where they would be displayed.

thoughts of the giant...

while he looking to the fog patched San Francisco skies dreaming of the new economy

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in the same room:

Tower of Babylon

As an inspiration to talk and listen even when you think you hardly understand.

Apocalyptic skies shall signal that time is always working against dialogue.

1998, oil on canvas 140x140cm

Kirlin Securites, San Francisco

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copyright 2001, Daniel Staeger, Kuesnacht, San Francisco, updated 14.5.2001